شهدت العديد من الدول صراعات وحروب متنوعة، ولحسن الحظ فإن الواقع يوضح دوماً أن تلك النزاعات لا تدوم للأبد ،ففي وقت ما، لا بد أن تتوقف الحرب ليعم السلام ولتبدأ جهود استعادة التعافي وبناء الدولة والمجتمع من جديد. في مرحلة السلام يبدأ صراع جديد ، سياسي وقانوني ودستوري وإنساني وأخلاقي، للتعامل مع تداعيات الحرب وما نجم عنها منها أثار وكوارث. تتطرق هذه السلسلة الجديدة لكيفية استعادة السلام في مرحلة ما بعد النزاع وتتطرق لأكثر القضايا اشكالية في تلك المرحلة كترتيبات الحكم المُؤقّتة، و الأثار الإنسانية والقانونية للنزاع، و بناء المؤسسات، وقضايا العدالة الانتقالية و تدابير العفو وإصلاح قطاعي العدالة والأمن وغير ذلك الملفات الساخنة التي لا بد أن يتم التطرق لها لتجنب مسببات الحروب وعدم تكرارها من جديد.
Countries الدول
How are countries formed? What do we mean by the term "state"? What are the presidential and parliamentary systems? What are the responsibilities and rights of a state? How are states recognized, and how do they cease to exist? Follow this series that answers these questions and provides a lot of information about the emergence of states.
Constitutional Fathers حكايا الدساتير – الآباء الذستوريون
This constitutional series is based on the book "The Syrian Constitutional Fathers," which takes us behind the scenes of their ideas, discussions, agreements, and disagreements, and how they managed to resolve or manage the divisions among them, ultimately agreeing on adopting the country’s first constitution after gaining national independence. This constitution has influenced, and still influences, all subsequent Syrian constitutions that have replicated many of its articles, sometimes as intended by the constitutional fathers and sometimes in a different and contrary way. The purpose of these episodes is not to glorify any constitution or diminish it, as all constitutions are human-made and contain much that is supposed to be correct or believed to be wrong. However, the purpose of the following episodes is to shed light on a crucial period in the Syrian state, marked by intense conflict and division, yet, despite this, the Syrian constitutional fathers succeeded in adopting a constitutional document that preserved the Syrian entity and safeguarded its unity and independence.
Elections الانتخابات
الإشراف العام: رامي عمران
A scientific introduction to what elections are, their origins, and their types, presented in a succinct and smooth manner that gives us a general overview of elections and their affairs. Executive producer: Rami Omran
The Constitution الدستور
A scientific introduction to what a constitution is, its origins, and its types, presented in a concise and smooth manner that gives us a general overview of the constitution and its affairs.
Cartoon كاريكاتير
Animated cartoons with Fares Garabet
Citizenship المواطنة
An introduction to the concept of citizenship and its elements. What does it mean to be a citizen of a particular country? What are our rights and what are our duties? Find all the answers in these episodes.