Orange Couch كنبة أورانج
ما إن يجلسوا عليها حتى يتعرّوا من كلّ زيف وتتهاوى الأقنعة، فلا ينطقون إلا بالحقيقةِ مهما هال وقعها. ليست أريكةً سحرية، بل مجرّد كنبة لونها أورانج/برتقاليّ حطّت رحالها في عيادة معالجٍ نفسيّ. يتحرّر في حضنها كلّ من يجيء زائراً يبثُّ شجونه، جنونه وأعمق أسراره في فضاءٍ آمنٍ، لعله الوحيد المتبقي في عالمٍ يغصّ بالفوضى. "كنبة أورانج" سلسلة حلقات منفصلة منوّعة تدور أحداثها في كواليس العقل والروح.
Expatriates مغتربون
Needle and Thread إبره و خيط
Season two: Yasmin, a lady whose life ended alone. Under the weight of her solitude, she imagines two contrasting characters (Madam and Lady), reflections of her mother and grandmother, engaging in debates about women's lives in our societies.
Tales of Rida حكايا رضا
History is the soul of the people, from which it draws its values, customs, and traditions. It inspires its dreams, secures its self-trust, and elevates its aspirations. Rida lives in the narrative with his objectives, which accompanied him during his youth and remained with him in his cage, listening to his columns and witnessing with him what an old television exhibits, stirring our personality and memories, thus narrating stories that touch our day, making us see it more clearly.