Syria..Civil Peace and State-Building سوريا .. السلم الأهلي وبناء الدولة - 14 - الدستور الدائم
تكون دساتير ما بعد النزاع هي الحاسمة في ضمان انتقال الدول الخارجة من الصراع إلى مرحلة الأمن والسلام. ولكي يتحقق ذلك لا بد من توفر ضمانات وشروط عديدة لجهة توقيت انجاز ذلك الدستور، والأطراف الذين ينبغي ان يشاركوا في مساره، ومضمونه. فكيف يُمكن أن يتحقق ذلك؟
المحتوى العلمي: د. إبراهيم دراجي
إعداد: رشا مسالخي
العمليات الفنية: ArtWare Corp
التعليق الصوتي: شادي علي
إشراف عام: رامي عمران
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الإشراف العام: رامي عمران
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This constitutional series is based on the book "The Syrian Constitutional Fathers," which takes us behind the scenes of their ideas, discussions, agreements, and disagreements, and how they managed to resolve or manage the divisions among them, ultimately agreeing on adopting the country’s first constitution after gaining national independence. This constitution has influenced, and still influences, all subsequent Syrian constitutions that have replicated many of its articles, sometimes as intended by the constitutional fathers and sometimes in a different and contrary way. The purpose of these episodes is not to glorify any constitution or diminish it, as all constitutions are human-made and contain much that is supposed to be correct or believed to be wrong. However, the purpose of the following episodes is to shed light on a crucial period in the Syrian state, marked by intense conflict and division, yet, despite this, the Syrian constitutional fathers succeeded in adopting a constitutional document that preserved the Syrian entity and safeguarded its unity and independence.
A scientific introduction to what a constitution is, its origins, and its types, presented in a concise and smooth manner that gives us a general overview of the constitution and its affairs.