Cartoon كاريكاتير - 03 - حفلة عشاء خمس نجوم
كاريكاتير فارس قره بيت
الإشراف العام: رامي عمران
Executive producer: Rami Omran
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الإشراف العام: رامي عمران
A scientific introduction to what elections are, their origins, and their types, presented in a succinct and smooth manner that gives us a general overview of elections and their affairs. Executive producer: Rami Omran
Elections الانتخابات
With the media and art critic Professor Saad Al-Qassem, we delve into the "Formation" series to explore the journey of the Syrian artistic movement from its early beginnings, getting to know its key figures who left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape with their imagination and creativity.
Formation in Art تشكيل
في كلّ حلقة ذكرى، حكاية وحوار تعيد إلينا ومضة عن حياةٍ عشناها يوماً.
ستوديو دمشق: بودكاست مع خالد إسماعيل.
An independent studio on a little cloud above Damascus! Each episode is a memory, a story, and a dialogue that brings us back a glimpse of a life we once lived. Studio Damascus: a podcast with Khaled Ismail.
Studio Damascus ستوديو دمشق
A program that addresses urgent issues from our reality that need discussion. It presents problems and suggests ideas and solutions. This season reviews discriminatory texts against women in the Syrian constitution and laws, providing examples from our lives about women's lost or diminished rights in marriage, divorce, inheritance, employment, violence, harassment, acquiring nationality, and discrimination in legal language, among others.
What’s Required? شو المطلوب؟
Syria..Civil Peace and State-Building سوريا .. السلم الأهلي وبناء الدولة
شهدت العديد من الدول صراعات وحروب متنوعة، ولحسن الحظ فإن الواقع يوضح دوماً أن تلك النزاعات لا تدوم للأبد ،ففي وقت ما، لا بد أن تتوقف الحرب ليعم السلام ولتبدأ جهود استعادة التعافي وبناء الدولة والمجتمع من جديد. في مرحلة السلام يبدأ صراع جديد ، سياسي وقانوني ودستوري وإنساني وأخلاقي، للتعامل مع تداعيات الحرب وما نجم عنها منها أثار وكوارث. تتطرق هذه السلسلة الجديدة لكيفية استعادة السلام في مرحلة ما بعد النزاع وتتطرق لأكثر القضايا اشكالية في تلك المرحلة كترتيبات الحكم المُؤقّتة، و الأثار الإنسانية والقانونية للنزاع، و بناء المؤسسات، وقضايا العدالة الانتقالية و تدابير العفو وإصلاح قطاعي العدالة والأمن وغير ذلك الملفات الساخنة التي لا بد أن يتم التطرق لها لتجنب مسببات الحروب وعدم تكرارها من جديد.
اعداد وتقديم: يعرب العيسى
"Between Us" is a keyword that can explain much of our recent history, representing a method of management and governance over half a century. We have grown accustomed to seeing everything, knowing everything, and not discussing it openly, with excessive caution, keeping everything "between us.
تعده وتقدمه الأخصائية ايفانا ورد
A program that cares for our mental health and helps us analyze and understand situations and problems that we or those around us may encounter. The program helps us understand these situations and find appropriate ways to deal with them. Prepared and presented by specialist Ivana Ward.
Talking About Ourselves حكي عن نفسنا
A program discussing some common disorders affecting our children and the misconceptions held by parents of affected children or adults in general. A child psychological support specialist, Rifif Al-Sajer, discusses these misconceptions and demonstrates their negative impact on our children's mental health.
Brief and Useful مختصر ومفيد
A scientific introduction to what a constitution is, its origins, and its types, presented in a concise and smooth manner that gives us a general overview of the constitution and its affairs.
The Constitution الدستور
Do you know who the children of #Syria are? In the #Nostalgia_HD series, we tell you about some of the most prominent figures of the country. Like the April flowers, they blossomed in Syria and colored the minds with inspiration, knowledge, and humanity. Amidst life’s hustle, you may have forgotten our names, or as a new generation, you might not have had the chance to know us! Whatever the reasons, you have the right to know, because simply all the paths we walk on today started from gates they opened passionately, reaching for the future they and you dream of.